Tuesday, June 14, 2011

[Solved] Starting LSB: start and stop the WLM configuration [1;31mfailed [0m, see 'systemctl status cgconfig.service' for details.

Most simple solution:
# yum update libcgroup-0.37.1-3.fc15

My problem is solved after this update.

[Solved]- Starting /dev/disk/by-uuid/ad5290fc-d073-45db-bfaf-86f25f401a07 [1;31maborted [0m because a dependency failed.

If you got any error like this at f15 booting time:
Starting /dev/disk/by-uuid/ad5290fc-d073-45db-bfaf-86f25f401a07 [1;31maborted [0m because a dependency failed.
Case I:
First check your /etc/fstab,
if you got any line starting with
Note: In my case UUID=ad5290fc-d073-45db-bfaf-86f25f401a07. But in case UUID will be something else.

Reason for this failed message can be due to change in the partition like partition recreated after delete or filesystem type change (say ext3 to ext4).

If it is due to change in partition you can use any one of the two methods:
1. Use blkid to find the UUID of /dev/sda5 (say the partition which has been changed is /dev/sda5)
# blkid
copy the UUID value from the output of the above command for /dev/sda5 only and paste it in place of previous UUID in /etc/fstab

Note: If the changed partition is your root partition you must have to edit /etc/grub.conf file
root=UUID=^new UUID^

2. open /etc/fstab file as root.
Now, edit only first field.
for example:
if it is like:
UUID=ad5290fc-d073-45db-bfaf-86f25f401a07 swap swap defaults 0 0
Replace the first field with partition name /dev/sda5 (say the partition which has been changed is /dev/sda5)
/dev/sda5 swap swap defaults 0 0
Note: If the changed partition is your root partition you must have to edit /etc/grub.conf file
root=/dev/sda5 (say the partition which has been changed is /dev/sda5)

Monday, June 6, 2011

We configure DSL connection using Network Manager. I like to know which file does it edit??

Yesterday, I was searching for this file. Googled alot, asked on #fedora, even I have thrown this question on #nm but didn't find any answer.
After searching for one hours, I have found this of my own and like to share with you all.

When you create a new DSL Connection using Network Manager your configurations are saved at
# cd /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections
Inside this folder you can find all DSL Connection's configuration files.

Friday, June 3, 2011

How to Configure Network Connection in fedora 15

Now, a days most of end-users have a common question i.e., How to configure network connection for usb-modem, mobile phone and broadband etc.

Today, I will try to cover all different types of network setup in fedora 15.

First step
First step for network configuration is to open Network Manager where you have to enter LAN and Service Provider's Info.
You can open Network Manager by:

1. Right click on the icon of two Computer -> Edit Connections
2. Left click on the icon of two Computer -> VPN Connections -> Configure VPN
Or Using command:
3. $ nm-connection-editor

Now, after this you can find a small window something like this:

I. Router/modem in bridge mode.
Most of the bsnl users, use this mode of network setup.
Before you start your network setup you must need two things:
1. username provided by bsnl.
2. password provided by bsnl.

Now, click on the DSL tab of Network Manager -> Add/Edit

Enter you username and password provided by bsnl, and service can be any name. (better to use service provider's name)
At the end don't forget to "Save" your changes.

II. Router/modem in pppoe mode.
This mode of network setup is mostly used in Corporate sectors and sometime people having dual boot System.
Now, click on the Wired tab of Network Manager -> Add/Edit

Here, the IP, Netmask and other information may not be the same for your case.

Note: All the information which are entered here are similar to the information entered in case of "Network Places -> LAN Connection" in Windows XP.

III. Internet Connection on PC using Mobile Phone.
Here, mobile phone works as a modem and mobile phone is connected to PC using a data cable.
Now, click on the Wireless tab of Network Manager -> Add/Edit

From "Any Device" drop down select your device and simply follow the steps.
Note: At the end must check if APN Name is corret.

IV. For usb-modem.
For bsnl and other dial-up usb-modem, same as "I. Router/modem in bridge mode."
For other, "III. For Mobile Phone."

1. At a time enable "Connect Automatically" for only one device.
2. There are other ways of network connection too available but all above steps are simple and less risky.