Monday, August 8, 2011

[Alpha version] Now it is simple to install rpm packages on other pc which don't have internet connection.

Run this script from the system which has internet connection then copy the package.tar.gz file.

How to install packages on other pc which don't have internet connection.
1. paste package.tar.gz into non-internet pc.
2. Switch to root user using
$ su -
3. Extract tarball
# tar -C packagepkd -xvf package.tar.gz
# cd packagepkd/.package/
5. rpm -ivh ....
check "man rpm" for more details.


Kindly, report here if you find any bug.

How to remove all *.lnk files from pen drive

Yesterday, I have connected my pen drive on someone else's system. Now, when I return home and connected my pen drive on my system, I have found lnk files for each file and directory in my pendrive. It is a waste of time deleting those files one by one. So, here is a simple command to remove all lnk files.

# find /path/to/pendrive -name '*.lnk' -exec rm -v '{}' ';'